Classic Series
Build Real Strength, Real Fast
Classic Series
The Windmill - Build Rock Hard Abs
Classic Series
The Dead Lift - 1 Move to Total Fitness
Weekend Warrior
Mid-Week Workout
Slim Down for Summer
10 Buff Body Tips
Firefighter Fitness Evaluation
When the Alarm Sounds, Will You Be Ready?
Fitness in a Flash
It's a Matter of Mind Over Muscle
Burn Baby, Burn
How To Rev Up Your Metabolism and Lose Weight
Firefighter Special Feature
Is On-The-Job Stress Making You Fat?
Get A Grip
On Those Love Handles - 2 Great Exercises with Illustrations!
Workout Smarter NOT Harder
My 6-Step Success Formula
A New Year and the Old You
Your 2006 Fitness Resolution-Solution
Holiday Weight Gain Survival Guide
5 Surefire Tips to Avoid Common Pitfalls
Negative Calorie Programming
Learn to Be a Big Fat Loser
7 Simple Steps to Weight Loss
Gain Control Over Your Eating Habits
ABS 101
Back to School
The Art of Exercise
Become Your Own Masterpiece
Form Follows Function
Shortcut to Transformation
Go From Flab to Fab
Mirror Motivation
Cardio Abuse
Are you it's latest victim? Find out how sometimes, less, can be more.
The FAT Aerobics Instructor
More on Cardio Abuse...
One Big Fat Problem
Americans are getting fatter every day. Learn what you can do to forestall this trend.
What's the Best Time to Exercise
A busy lifestyle can make finding the time to exercise a nightmare. Most Americans that exercise are also employed 40-plus hours a week, or manage a household and family, or both!
The Benefits of Exercise - 20 Reasons To Workout
1. Lose fat & reshape your body
2. Increase strength, endurance
3. Reduce risk of disease >Read More
Workout Smarter, not Harder
Most beginners make the mistake of thinking more is better. They dive in head first, but hit a brick wall after a few weeks.
Cold Weather Weight Loss
Once again Old Man Winter is rearing his ugly head, driving us back indoors. But after we've put away our roller blades and running shoes, how can we compensate for five months of seclusion and still stay in shape?
Your 2005 Fitness Resolution Solution
Whether beginning a new diet and exercise program, or attempting any type of behavioral modification, most of us progress through several stages before successfully making real change...
Holiday Weight Gain Survival Guide
Avoid the tendency to put on extra pounds this winter. Get five sure-fire ways to manage the pitfalls of the holiday season.
Avoid Workout Burnout - 10 Quick Tips
In the gym, consistency is the only proven formula for success. When you start furiously and then hit the wall due to an overexertion injury or waning interest, you�re doing the exact opposite of what gets the best results.
Exclusive Offer, Available Only On This Website!
Custom Workouts for both Men and Women
Based on The Firefighter's Workout: CLICK HERE
Walk This Way - Pedometer Fitness Craze
Pedometers work really well for those who don't have the time to invest in a formal cardiovascular exercise program. Learn how to effortlessly lose weight, improve health, and boost functional fitness.
Ab Magic - Make Your Belly Disappear
Stop wasting time exercising improperly. Get Fab Abs in minutes a day with this 3-phase approach. Plus Bonus Ab Workout!
5 Ways to Cut the Fat - Without Surgery
Over 8 million surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures were performed last year. But what about the millions of us who�d rather NOT go under the knife purely for vanity�s sake - is there any hope?
Is Stress Making You Fat?
Ancient mechanisms that helped our caveman ancestors thrive during times of tremendous danger, may be just what's making you fat. Get the skinny on stress management.
The Six Secrets of Successfull Fitness
I've zeroed in on some of most common practices of those who seem to have no problem sticking with their program, maintaining a high degree of fitness, and making it look easy!
Negative Calorie Foods - Eat More, Weigh Less
Finding time to workout when the warm weather hits can be a challenge. Find out what you can do.
Wanna Be a 10 (-minute exerciser)?
Learn how a tone up in ten minutes a day!
Accentuate the Positive - Eliminate the fAt
Learn how a program that includes plenty of positive reinforcement can keep you on the road to Slimsville.
5 Sure-Fire Ways to Change the Shape You're In
Nothing produces faster and more dramatic change in the human body than working out with short bursts of high intensity that�s characteristic of strength or resistance exercise.
Travel Light - Exercise on the Go
Whether you're away from home or just too busy to get to the gym, we've got the workout for you!
Legend of the Super Fit Firefighter
Most people think of firefighters as not just heroic, but super-fit and ready for anything. But fighting fires can be a gruesome, dirty job that involves a tremendous amount of danger, as well as overwhelming physical exertion.
Prescription Rx Exercise
An overwhelming one third of our society is considered overweight or at risk for obesity related diseases. When you work out, you not only improve health, you get to look and feel years younger.
The Five Facets of Successful Fitness
We all have certain strengths that support us throughout our lives, as well as specific weaknesses that can, at times, make life challenging.
Top 20 Reasons to Exercise
Motivation is the key to success in the gym. Learn what working out can do for you, and stick with it.
2004 Start Up Workout
Five pounds, four turkeys, and a bushel of potatoes later, you�ve made it through another holiday season. Check out this starter workout that will get you moving away from fat, and in the right direction.
Can Weight Loss Really Be That Simple?
Each year billions of dollars are spent on weight loss products and services, yet as a society we remain grossly overweight. If you're having trouble getting started on a program, you're not alone.
The 2 Best Ab Exercises
Learn how to get those fab abs you've always dreamed of with the right combination of exercise.
Holiday Weight Gain Survival Guide
Avoid the tendency to put on extra pounds this winter. Get five sure-fire ways to manage the pitfalls of the holiday season.
Exercise Expectations - Does Your Workout Measure Up?
Are your trips to the gym just not producing? It�s not an accident, coincidence, or just good genes that keep someone fit with what seems like relatively little effort.
Exclusive Offer, Available Only On This Website!
Custom Workouts for both Men and Women
Based on The Firefighter's Workout: CLICK HERE
Fitness Extra! The 20-Minute Age Eraser
Look and feel years younger. The closest thing we've come to the fountain of youth may take no longer than your daily shower.
Cold Weather Workouts - Five Hot Ways to Fight Fat
Old Man Winter is about to rear his ugly head, driving us back indoors. But once we put away our roller blades and running shoes, how can we compensate for six months of seclusion?
Change Your Shape - Don't Resist Resistance
Nothing produces faster and more dramatic change in the human body than working out with short bursts of high intensity that�s characteristic of strength or resistance exercise. There�s simply no better way to alter your shape.
How to Make Your Workouts Workout - 5 Secrets Revealed
Like most Americans, the majority of your "I'll-get-fit-by-summer" resolutions have already fallen by the wayside. It's not that you don't want to get in shape and reap the rewards of a properly executed fitness plan. You go through the motions as best you can, but it's just NOT working -- and you demand to know why! Five simple secrets can help.
Hot Weather Workouts - 10 Cool Tips
The dog days of summer are upon us, but you don�t have to put your workout program on the back burner just because it feels too hot to exercise. There are steps you can take to safely and comfortably continue with your program during the sweltering summer months. But first let�s take a quick look at how the body responds to training in the heat.
Stretch and Strengthen
A sensible flexibility, or stretching program will not only enhance physical fitness, it can actually leave you with a more youthful, supple body that protects itself against injury in and out of the gym. Stretching increases flexibility and range of motion by stimulating the production of chemicals that lubricate connective soft tissue.
Stress Can Make Your Belly Fat
From rising terror alerts to falling stock prices, today�s world provides ample stimulation to trigger a stressful response. But did you know that this stress response could be making you fat?
Summertime Fitness - Exercise On The Go
From ballgames to backyard barbecues, the warm weather brings many activities that can lead to more eating and less exercise. Life is not a dress rehearsal, and for most of us, giving up a day of picnicking on the beach or a sunny morning on the golf course for the dank artificial cool of the local health club, presents no real choice.
How to Lift Weights and Lose Weight
The popularity of weight training has soared. We�ve discovered that if not taken to an extreme, lifting weights, or �strength training� is one of the healthiest, most fat burning and body transforming fitness systems you can apply.
The Debate Rages On - Diet Versus Exercise
What�s most important, a healthy, well-balanced diet or an active lifestyle that incorporates some type of exercise? Let�s take a close look at what each can do for us, and at what cost.
Learn to Burn - 5 Best Ways to Burn Fat
The average American gains five pounds a year every year over the age of thirty. Some estimate that 50 or even 60 percent of our society is overweight. In addition to restricting unnecessary calories, there is much you can do.