Fitness Files, Tips and Tricks to Keep You Fit - Five Steps Before You Start

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Before You Start, 5 Simple Steps

5 Steps Before You Start

Getting started on an exercise program can be the hardest part. You want to lose weight and get in shape, but you�re afraid to take the exercise plunge. There are steps you can, and should take prior to pumping out your first rep at the gym, or lap around the track that will help take the guesswork out of your workout, and make beginning a new program both safe and effective.

1. See your doctor
First and foremost, get a complete physical examination. Certain risk factors make this mandatory; leading a sedentary life style, smoking, or if you have a family history of heart disease, just to name a few. Other risk factors include obesity, age (men over 40, women over 50) and diseases such as diabetes or hypertension. Also, if you�ve been inactive for a while don�t assume you're at previous fitness levels. That brings us to the next step.

2. Give yourself an education
Invest some time in finding out how to exercise properly, and what type of training will work for you, and the goals you've set. The Firefighter's Workout Book can supply you with all the information you need, and none of what you don't. This will save you months or even years in down time due to injury resulting from improper form, or exercise based on ineffective hype that gets you nowhere.

The Firefighter's Workout Book will get you on the
RIGHT TRACK to fitness and weight loss
in less than 30 mintues a day: click here

3. Start slowly
Don�t assume you�re as fit as you were five or even two years ago. Fitness levels will diminish quickly once activity declines. Come to realistic conclusions when gauging your current abilities. When you start training, take it easy at first, and gradually increase intensity levels. Remember, slow and steady avoids injury and gets results. Record your workouts using our daily workout log. Print out unlimited FREE copies: click here

4. Adopt healthy eating and sleeping habits
This doesn�t mean just eating to lose weight by lowering caloric intake, but rather consuming highly nutritious meals that are relatively low in fat and sugar. Be sure adequate levels of protein, carbohydrates as well as vitamin and minerals are included in your diet every day. Record your daily food intake using our food diary log. Print out unlimited FREE copies: click here

Just as important as a healthy diet is a good night�s sleep. If possible shoot for seven or eight hours of restful sleep nightly.

5. Be consistent, but realistic
Don�t place unrealistic demands on yourself -- performance or time wise. Plan out your week to include time for exercise, but don�t over-schedule yourself into failure. Setting goals will help define your program and get results, but if you can�t get in a full workout, do what you can and remember tomorrow is another day. And very importantly, when you do well, reward yourself.

When it comes to exercise, stop playing guessing games. Instead, follow the above simple, common sense guidelines, and get on the right track before you start.

Relax! Let the Firefighter's Workout Book take the guess-work out of your workout: click here