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Michael Stefano, FDNY captain and author of The Firefighter's Workout Book, has been training with NYC firefighters and men and women from all walks of life for almost 20 years. In addition to his book, Stefano offers Customized Workouts.

Let Mike's Custom Workout unlock your fat burning potential

Top 20 Reasons to Exercise Top 20 Reasons to Exercise
by Michael Stefano

Now and then we all engage in some form of convenient rationalization, especially when faced with the seemingly insurmountable task of transforming a fat and out of shape body into a buff, healthy version of its former self. But the reality is that many people (who are probably a lot more out of shape than you) have successfully dieted and exercised their way to a new look, and a new way of life.

That�s not to say working out is easy or takes no effort, but the hardest thing to do is to get started. Once you pass that barrier, the results you see will motivate you even further. For this reason you can see why it is so important to get on an effective diet and fitness plan right out of the box.
(Custom Workouts can produce dramatic results.)

This article is purely about motivation. And what better way to make you realize how important exercise is in your life than to list the top 20 reasons people exercise? With all we now know about the benefits of exercise, it's hard to believe more Americans don't workout. It's the closest thing yet to the fountain of youth, and the ONLY real way to change the appearance, shape, and strength of your body.

Everyone exercises for different reasons. But regardless of your initial motivation, you still get ALL the benefits. Below is a list of 20 reasons why you should workout. If you can find even one benefit on this list, you'll have enough reason to begin an exercise program and take steps to take care of yourself.

Regular Exercise Can...
� Help you lose weight and reduce body fat
� Improve your physical appearance
� Increase your level of muscular strength and endurance
� Maintain your resting metabolic rate to prevent weight gain
� Increase your stamina and ability to do continuous work
� Improve fitness levels, or your body's ability to use oxygen
� Provide protection against injury
� Improve your balance and coordination
� Increase bone mineral density to prevent osteoporosis
� Lower resting heart rate and blood pressure
� Lower Body Mass Index (BMI), your fat to height ratio
� Reduce triglycerides and bad cholesterol
� Enhance sexual desire and performance
� Reduce heart disease risk and stroke
� Reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer
� Increase insulin sensitivity, prevents type 2 diabetes
� Reduce your level of anxiety and help you manage stress
� Improve function of the immune system
� Improve your self-esteem and restore confidence
� Help you sleep better, relax, and improve mood

Last week, I introduced you to the New Year Start Up Workout a simple beginners program that could be expanded upon later on. You might have printed out the article with every intention of starting right away, only to come up with three of four good reasons why you couldn�t possibly start until the following week. But will next week ever actually arrive?

I urge you to can the excuses and take control of you life.
Get started today: click here.

For fat-burning, body-sculpting exercises, and comprehensive
nutritional guidelines with sample meal plans, get your copy of
The Firefighter's Workout Book today.

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Give yourself the edge. Get an exclusive Custom Workout Program created by author and fitness expert, Michael Stefano.
Start today: CLICK HERE