THE FIREFIGHTER'S WORKOUT The Firefighter's Workout Book

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The Fitness Files
Tips and Tricks to Keep You Fit

June 17, 2001

Hold that stretch!
We all know how important a good stretching routine is to an overall fitness program. Stretching promotes good circulation, prevents injury and keeps your body limber and youthful. What you might not realize is that in order achieve a permanent elongation of muscle and connective tissue, you need to hold that stretch for 30 seconds or more. When performing your flexibility routine, move slowly to a point of slight discomfort, not pain, and hold the position for approximately 30 seconds as you breathe normally. This can even be broken down to 3 sets of 10 seconds each.

June 10, 2001

Tracking Progress Gets Results -Find out your body mass index!
One of the best ways to ensure the success of any workout program, is to monitor its impact on your body. Is it really working? Are you actually getting leaner? To help you determine the effectiveness of any exercise program, calculate your height to weight ratio every month or two, using the Body Mass Index Meter as a general guide.

June 3, 2001

Daily Protein Requirements -How much protein do you really need?
Protein is the building block of life, and eating the right amount is essential to any health and fitness program. But with all the information out there, how can you determine the right amount of protein for you? Let us take the guess work from the question "How much is enough?", with the Daily Protein Planner --the easy way to find out just what you need based on your activity level.

May 27, 2001

The Target Heart Rate -How important is heart rate when train aerobically?
The fact is, our bodies burn the most fat when the heart beats at 60 to 90 per cent of its capacity. At a level above 90, or below 60 per cent, our bodies tend to burn more sugar. For maximum fat-burning, make sure you're training in the zone for at least 15 minutes, three times a week. Use the following formula for caclulating your target heart rate: 220 - (age), x 60-90%, or let our Target Heart Rate Calculator make the calculations for you.

Advice found on this website is meant for informational purposes only, and should not be considered medical advice for dealing with a given problem. Always use common sense when exercising, and see your doctor for any, and all serious medical conditions.