1. Who is Michael Stefano, and what his is Custom Workout all about?
Michael is a 22-year veteran (recently retired), and captain with the New York City fire department (FDNY), as well as author of the Firefighter's Workout Book, and certified fitness instructor with the American Council on Exercise. He's also the editor-in-chief of FireFightersWorkout.com, and a major contributor of fitness and weight loss related articles to such internet giants as America On Line, Yahoo!, MSN, eDiets, eFitness, and Firehouse.Com.
Mike's been designing customized fitness and weight loss programs for men and women from ALL walks of life for the past 2 decades, and currently owns and operates on Long Island, New York.
A large percentage of today's trendier workout programs are nothing more than a one-size-fits-all, generic brand of exercise that winds up failing miserably. Mike's customized system is designed exclusively for you, pinpointing your problem areas and attacking them directly, -- usually with plenty of success.
2. How can I pay for my program, and what is EasyPay?
We offer a one-time only payment of $249 for Mike's top of the line Gold Plan, Firefighter Gold Plan and Candidate Programs, and $219 for the essential Siliver Package. Take advantage of our interest free EasyPay Plan, and make 3 monthly payments of $83.00 each (Gold, Firefighter, Candidate) or $73.00 (Silver) that gets automatically billed to your credit card. Via our internet partner 2Checkout.com, shopping is always safe and secure. Shipping is always FREE!
3. Is Mike's program just for firefighters or can anybody get results with his get-fit-quick system?
Man or woman, young or old, firefighter or office worker, the key to the success of Mike's programs is its adaptability to each individual. Via his comprehensive, 22-Point Fitness Profile, Mike can design a unique program around your personal needs that, if followed, will accelorate fat loss and/or muscle gain like you never thought possible.
4. Once I purchase the custom program, how do I fill out the fitness profile form?
Once you've completed your purchase, you simply click on the link to the fitness profile form, fill in all fields as accurately as possible, and then hit the submit bottom on the bottom of the page. There's nothing to it.
5. How much time will I need to devote to my personalized program?
The key to the success of any program isn't the length of each workout, or even how often it's repeated. To be effective a workout program has to be approached with planning, attention to detail, and customization. That's what assures success. For some this can translate into as little as two or three, 20- to 30-minute weekly workouts, while for others, as much as five or six, 45-minute to one-hour sessions might be ideal. It all depends upon you.
6. If I stick to my customized fitness plan, how long will it take before I see any changes in the way I look and feel?
In just the first week or two you'll get stronger and notice how much more energy and endurance you have. As you gradually tone up and build a little muscle, your body will become more effecient at burning fat, and the entire process will be kicked into overdrive.
By week three or four, you'll start to register some major changes in the fat loss department, and the process will continue indefinately. Friends and family will start to comment on how much "younger" and "healthier" you look. If you've faithfully stayed with the exercise and nutritional program, by three months time you can expect some major and permanent changes to occur in how you look and feel.
7. What's new in Mike's Custom Workout?
Every program is a completely personalized, multi-phased Fitness System that's outlined in an easy-to-follow, Personalized Program Manual (shipped directly to you via priority mail). Now included with the Gold Package only are customized and illustrated workout charts, resistance band and execercise mini-manual, plus 101 Healthy-Choice Recipe Book.
8. After I purchase the program, will I need anything else to get started?
If you choose the Body Weight only option, you'll need nothing but a good pair of sneakers and some loose fitting clothing. With all other options, at least dumbbells or resistance bands are recommended to speed things along. In your fitness profile, you'll indicate exactly what equipment you have, and Mike will design your program around that.
No matter what television info-mercials would have you believe, spandex outfits and fancy equipment aren't necessary to get results. A simple set of dumbbells and a small bench can serve as your complete gym, and along with your own body weight, enables you to go through dozens of muscle building, fat burning moves.
9. If I order the Custom Workout today, when will I receive it?
Once you make your program selection and submit the fitness profile form, Captain Mike will personally design your program. No computer software is used in the process. Depending upon order volume, please allow about five business days for profile analysis and program preparations. All orders are then shipped out via USPS Priority Mail.
10. What if I need support, or have a question about my workout program, how can I get help?
ALL custom workout customers will have full e-mail support from Captain Mike. You also gain access to the Custom Workout Support Center. This entitles you to unlimited program support directly from Mike Stefano. Get answers to all your questions (normally within 24 hours or less). This truly unique and interactive feature keeps you connected.