Firefighter Strength-Endurance Training

Strength-Endurance Training for Firefighters
There's no question that firefighters NEED to be strong, but equally true, physical stamina is a job requirement.

Concentrating on either strength OR endurance alone won't dramatically improve your overall performance. Without both qualities, you'll either never rise to the task or fizzle out before you start - 2 potentially dangerous situations.

But who's got time for long runs and hours in the gym?

Not you! I combine both simple and advanced training techniques, tapping into multiple training disciplines to save you time and effort. Your program will be designed around YOUR exact needs, goals, and desires, and with as little as a 30 minute comittment.

No starvation, no endless hours in the gym. Just smart, straight-forward methods to completely change the way you look, how you feel, and your ability to perform. And as a fringe benefit, kiss any excess body fat good-bye as you sculpt your new muscle.