SAMPLE PAGE � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � Close Window As the mind thinks, the body follows. There is no way around that very simple concept. Your hopes, fears, desires; the thoughts racing through your head right now all make up who and what you are. The truly powerful aspect of you is not your physical body but your mind. At this point in your approach to fitness you should have an idea in your mind of what you hope to achieve. You�ve peered down into your soul and decided where you are now is not where you want to be. But where do you want to be? We can go no further until you uncover that vital piece of information. Be honest with yourself when you answer the following questions regarding your performance, appearance and health.
The answers to the above questions will help you form a clear picture in your mind of just where you want to be in terms of fitness. We�ll call this your ultimate fitness goal and it will be the driving force behind your workout program. << BACK TO INDEX |